Monthly Modern Championship Christmas Event - Win a Mox Emerald!

Entry Fee: $25
Format: Modern

To celebrate the holiday season, each of our Modern Monthly Championship events from October to December will offer a Mox to the first place finisher! For our Halloween event, you can win a Mox Jet! For our Thanksgiving event, you can win a Mox Ruby! For our Christmas event, you can win a Mox Emerald!

Entrants will play rounds of Modern swiss based on attendance, then we will cut to a top eight.

As more people attend, the prize support increases! Bring your friends and increase the tournament payout!

Additionally, we will be offering a carload discount for out of state players. If you bring three friends and all four of you register for the tournament at the same time, we will waive your entry fee!

Increase your chances of victory by attending Friday Night Magic! Each player with a 4-0 record receives a bye in the next Monthly Modern Championship! Each player can earn up to two byes for any one monthly championship.

PRIZES: (All prizes in store credit, or 25% less for cash)

If we reach the specified amount of registrants, the prize pool is upgraded to the next level! Each tournament's prize pool will start at Bronze level.

If you finish in first place, we will offer to buyback the Mox Emerald for a predetermined amount of store credit.

1st: Mox Emerald!
2nd: $60
3rd/4th: $30

Silver: (20 People)
1st: Mox Emerald!
2nd: $130 Credit
3rd/4th: $50 Credit
5th-8th: Free entry into next Monthly Modern Championship Event

Gold: (30 People)
1st: Mox Emerald!
2nd: $175 Credit
3rd/4th: $50 Credit
5th-8th: $25 Credit
9th-12th: Free entry into next Monthly Modern Championship Event

Platinum: (40 People)
1st: Mox Emerald!
2nd: $240 Credit
3rd/4th: $75 Credit
5th-8th: $40 Credit
9th-12th: Free entry into next Monthly Modern Championship Event